Wednesday Nov 27, 2013
Fulfilling Your Destiny
Wednesday Nov 27, 2013
Wednesday Nov 27, 2013
Fulfilling Your Destiny by Pastor Jay Meyer November 17, 2013
We have a role or destiny that God wants us to fulfill, but have some sort of wall or blockade that's preventing us from doing it. We may think we're too old and it's too late. Looking at the parable of the Vineyard in Matthew 20 verse 1, each worker starts at a different time and gets the same reward at the end of the day.
If you are young and hear the call for you life, and do what God has for you, you can fulfill your destiny. But if you are older or nearing the end of your years and you hear God's call, you can still fulfill your destiny.
We're given tools or gifts to help us in this journey. When we want more, and we keep using those gifts and are faithful with them, he gives us more.
A lot of people in the church think that the work of the ministry is for people like the pastor. According to Ephesians 4, God gives gifts to the church, (The church is the body of Christ or people who follow Christ) in that who are the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip all of the saints (the body of Christ) to do the work of the ministry.
Thursday Nov 14, 2013
The Foundations - Salvation
Thursday Nov 14, 2013
Thursday Nov 14, 2013
The Foundation of our Salvation.
What I think we see in America is that the church is at a low point in influence in our culture right now. I think the main cause of the situation is a complete lack of understanding of what our Salvation means in the church. One thing that evangelicalism has done has brought a lot of people in to God's Kingdom and eternal life. These people have been told now that you've said this prayer you're not going to hell when you die, you're going to heaven and at some point Jesus is coming back and he's going to take all of His people in something called the rapture, so all we have to do is basically hang on until he gets us out of here. That is a very defensive mentality and a lack of understanding of what Salvation is all about.
Thursday Nov 14, 2013