Monday Jul 08, 2013
Aligning with the Heart of God
Monday Jul 08, 2013
Monday Jul 08, 2013
Where are we in the world today? What should our the response be to the conditions
of our world. It's important to know where we are in time and what to do. Self revelation
is a very precious gift to have.
If you look what's happening in our world or what's happening in our country and then
you look at the response by many Christians, it looks like their response is far from
the heart of God.
We are expecting God to move in a huge way in Cheyenne so much that the
of the City will be transformed. It's not something we're
doing. It's something God is
doing. Maybe that is a tall order. But
God has done it before in other places.
So, if this is going to happen, we're going to need to be in alignment with what God is
Wednesday Jul 03, 2013
Acting on God's Word
Wednesday Jul 03, 2013
Wednesday Jul 03, 2013
Errol Faulkes, a good friend from Greeley, Colorado visited us to day. He spoke on acting on God's word.
God's word is so powerful. It encourages us, provides wisdom, guides us, corrects us, directs us, and, often when we read the word, God provides a deeper meaning. The word has value if we put it to use in our lives. That is the challenge in today's podcast.
Sunday Jun 23, 2013
Honor series, Fear
Sunday Jun 23, 2013
Sunday Jun 23, 2013
Have you ever been in a situation where we you want to do something or talk to someone, fear overcame you and you couldn't follow through? You're not alone. Besides all of the people who've ever had to give a speech in front of a group of people or people who were called to lead people against incredible odds, there are many examples in the bible where people were called by God to go and do something when they didn't think they had what it took to do it.
Today we're going to look at fear, where it came from and how to get past it.