Wednesday May 01, 2013
Honor Part 6
Wednesday May 01, 2013
Wednesday May 01, 2013
The Beauty of God's Covering by Jay Meyer May 1, 2013
We are continuing in our series about developing a culture of honor. We are correcting some of our beliefs about God and ourselves.
When we choose to remain under God's covering, He gives us dignity which replaces shame. That goes back to Adam and Eve being naked and unashamed before their disobedience. After, they were completely uncovered and were ashamed. Rebellion replaced their dignity and communion with God was shame.
The actions of God and His plan for our restoration to Him (Genesis 3:21-24)
The Lord made garments literally coverings for them of animal skins. These pointed toward the law which would be a covering - system of protection also using animal blood for the people of God. By following the law, God's people could minimize the negative effects of their rebellion and once again live in the blessing and protection of God.
If man would not depart from the law, he would not depart from this artificial covering that God had made for them.
SIN IS ESSENTIALLY MOVING OUT FROM UNDER THE COVERING OF GOD. The coverings that God made for man and woman pointed to Christ who would make the way for man and woman to truly come back under the covering of God. God would eventually provide a way for His people to again have a spiritual covering - removing their spiritual nakedness.
HIS PROVISION IS FOR US NOW. The law pointed toward Jesus who would restore the true covering to the people of God under the new covenant. The restoration of the new covering is when we submit ourselves to God VOLUNTARILY AND WE CHOOSE to live in communion with Him. This is available to us after we are born of the spirit. We grow in it as we learn to live being led by God's spirit in our spirit.
Look at Romans 8 verses 1 - 7.
Notice verse 4) in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the spirit.
To be under God's love, favor, protection, provision, blessing (see Deuteronomy 28 for list of honor an blessings of obedience) Adam and Eve knew communion and obedience to God until the fall. God has set up an authority structure to aid us in our spiritual covering.
See Ephesians 5, 21 - 26
It is very helpful for us to be under a secondary spiritual covering because we humans have a tendency to just go off and get ourselves out from under God's covering. We also need relationships, community with outer followers of Jesus.
Submission to God's authority is always voluntary. Submission to family authority and church authority is also voluntary.
Those who give authority also have responsibility. God's covering includes His love, favor, protection, provision and blessing. To come under proper earthly authority is to find love, cae, respect, guidance and protection.
Because much of the authority we find is operating under the kingdom of this world, it is more about rights than duties or responsibilities. Is the one in authority more concerned about being honored or honoring those they are responsible for?
The secondary covering of Church leadership is not intended primarily to control or punish people but to help them remain under the blessing of God's covering. This happens through teaching, wisdom, correction, prophecy, community, etc.
The leadership is to see people as God does and help them find their destiny and calling in God's Kingdom.
Check out 1st Peter 5 versus 1 - 5
5) You younger men, likewise, be subject (submissive) to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.
Again, it is a voluntary submission.
When people come out from under the secondary covering of the church, they are much more vulnerable to attacks of the enemy, temptation, deception, etc.
When we live, move, and breathe in the spirit, under the direction of the Holy Spirit within our own spirit, we live under God's covering. This is our return to the way things were supposed to be.
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
A Different Perspective
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
A Different Perspective
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
Culture of Honor, Part 4
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
Culture of Honor, Part 4 by Jay Meyer
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